October Recap
This month has been BUSY! I'm shocked that it's already almost over. I've tried to soak up as much Halloween goodness as possible. I think it went pretty well :)
I've been thinking a lot lately about the future of this business/my career. After a year and some change of self-employment, I'm craving a little more long term planning and goal setting. I had a great meeting with a coach yesterday—I may choose to continue down that road a bit while I attempt to determine what's next for C&B and what's next for me, the person behind C&B who needs to pay bills and keep a couple of cats alive. No big decisions have been made yet. I'll update you once I do.
In the meantime, I'm slowly getting ready for the holiday season here at C&B. There is a ton to do! I'd like to look into entering a few more markets and cons. I have a few ideas for new products I'd like to create as well as some recently completed projects that have to be added to the shop (bookmarks coming your way very soon!).
Hard to believe that by this time next month, Black Friday will be over. It's like you hit October and the Earth starts spinning faster... I'll tell ya, man...
Stay tuned for Black Friday info and sales. I'll be announcing that info within the next few weeks over email as well as on my social media accounts.
Let's DO this.