Monday Series: In the Thick of a Busy Summer
Things are bonkers right now. We're well into the spread of back-to-back weekend trips and social events that have been looming for months. Far enough in to be tired but not far enough to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Not that hanging out with friends and family is a hardship but after 15 months of living like a hermit, this bustling social calendar is certainly a tiring departure.
We visited some of my oldest and best friends in Pittsburgh this weekend. It was so nice to be with everyone in one spot again after three years. It was also very fun to explore snippets of a new city. There is something energizing about getting out of your own backyard (literally in my case) from time to time. The perspective and the newness does something sort of magical.
All that said, I'm having one of those "focusing on any one task is procrastinating on all the others" moments this morning. I've been feeling very far behind these last few weeks. In full-time employment land, one could approach a supervisor in this situation and say "Here is everything on my plate. Which would you like first?" In self-employment land, I have to make my own decisions here. It's difficult. Have I mentioned that self-employment is difficult? I'm not sure if I brought that up before...
In other news, I've been prioritizing art creation. This feels good. I started (and made some substantial progress on) a new piece in the car to/from Pittsburgh. I'm temporarily removing any sense of prompt/obligation/marketing/etc/etc that I've imposed on illustrations in the past and am just trying to draw shit that I want to draw in order to build a habit. So far, so good. I'll probably sell all of these as prints (and originals, if applicable) if nothing else.
The tarot project is on hold for a second until I get my client work under control and build more of an art habit. I'm not quitting, just pausing.
Friday is my birthday. I was going to take off but... lol... I probably won't. It's ok. I will feel better if I get a few things done early in the day before Josh and I go out to dinner.
That's all from me for now. Big old messy middle here. Lots of family. Lots of friends. Lots of work. Lots of covid. August is an exercise in maximalism.