Monday Series: Back at it. Happy 2021!
The last two weeks ended up turning into something resembling a break even though it wasn't my intention. It would have been ideal if I accepted it as a break the whole time instead of low-key expecting myself to work every day but I'll take what I can get.
It's time to get back at it now. I have a ton of commissions to make progress on as well as a list of pattern design projects I'm hoping to accomplish. I've also agreed to a design contract that will hopefully be able to provide some more consistent income in the early part of this year. I'll know more about that this week I'm guessing.
I begrudgingly woke up at 8ish this morning. That's a positive thing. As such, I was able to churn through emails before 10, do some final goal-setting before 11, and will hopefully be done this post by noon. I'll devote the afternoon to creative work.
The one piece of a routine I've managed to keep fairly consistent over the last few weeks is a 2 hour long exercise block at 4pm. I either run or walk (to the post office if needed) while it's still light-ish out and then come back home for some amount of stretching/yoga/strength training before 6pm. Then I focus on cooking/eating dinner. This is something I'd like to continue.
This week I'm going to have to spend some time on financial work for sales tax, quarterly tax, and prepping for the April tax deadline. Sigh. I'm dreading it a little but I'm organized enough that it shouldn't be terribly painful. Fingers crossed. Maybe I'll actually pay myself once I determine how much money the government is going to leave me with.
Let's get back to the weekly priorities habit from a few months ago. I'll report back next week to try to hold myself accountable. This week, I would like to:
- Write this post
- Finish one commission—a comic style piece planned months ago
- Get more clarity around the design contract
- Make progress on my Arts & Crafts style pattern—specifically begin drawing the motifs
- File Sales Tax for December
- Determine how much I owe in self-employment taxes and try to figure out how much to pay for Q4
- Pay Q4 quarterly tax if I can figure out the right number
And finally, here are a few daily tasks that I'd like to either continue doing or begin doing:
- Duolingo (continue doing)
- Yoga (start doing every day)
- Meditation (start doing at all)
- Waking up at 8am (start doing every day)